HERES MY PROBLEMA:: okayyy--- when i get out of the shower it starts to get frizzy within the next minute.. i DO use stuff.. i use redken (gold stuff) and its STiLL frizzy.. OH.. ha and when i dry it.. good lord. its huge!! HUGE%26amp;FRIZZY.. its awful.! after i get it all dried i have to put some other redken (gold stuff) in my hair.. THEN it takes like 1 hour to straighten. %26amp; then its STiLL not that straigt. Its so annoying.
MY SOLUTION??:: yaa. thats what i need help with; like what product ((de-frizz)) can i put into my hair.. %26amp; i need some MAJOR help here people!! also;; after i dry it what can i put in my hair to protect it %26amp;%26amp; keep it from getting frizzyy later on in the day?!?..
the reason why im desperate for help:: it sucks having to be the last one done with my hair when im at friends houses because it takes so friggen long to straighten. IT SUCKS. also, it just takes so much time in the school nights.
NEED HELP WiTH MY HAiR!!! its soo thick... TOO thick?
I have the same problem, ha.
John frieda is a good product,
and i also get my hair thinned and layered monthly to keep it thin and less frizzy,
hope that semi helps. :]
NEED HELP WiTH MY HAiR!!! its soo thick... TOO thick?
i have the same problem!!!! omg we r like sisters
NEED HELP WiTH MY HAiR!!! its soo thick... TOO thick?
John frieda has a good anti-frizz line, i am just like you and use redken (red) before you straightnin your hair and a little after.
good luck
NEED HELP WiTH MY HAiR!!! its soo thick... TOO thick?
sorry,some people sadly just have that type of hair. maybe layers would work best for you? also I'd try something called Frizz-Ease (I think that's what it's called), it by the John Fredia collection.It works wonders, I also love it because it smells amazing.
NEED HELP WiTH MY HAiR!!! its soo thick... TOO thick?
I have really thick frizzy hair too. I went to the salon and ask what would be best for my hair. They Layered my hair, and straightened it and my head felt so much lighter lol!!.
Also use Hair serum like bio silk.
use deep conditioner.
%26amp; put 1 layer of hair spray on, don't put a lot on cus you don't want it to make your hair all hard.
i straighten my hair every day now. and my hair isn't damaged you just have to use the right products.
BTW. if you layer it and cut it shorter [like up to your shoulders, it will be sooo much easier to straighten. it only takes me like 20 minutes to straighten it b4 i go to bed
NEED HELP WiTH MY HAiR!!! its soo thick... TOO thick?
same here woah!
NEED HELP WiTH MY HAiR!!! its soo thick... TOO thick?
lolz. My hair is like that too. getting layers helps, that way your hair isnt really thick and wont go fizzy. Also, i just always put my hair in a ponytail.that way it is neat and outta your way ( and doesnt take very long!)
NEED HELP WiTH MY HAiR!!! its soo thick... TOO thick?
Try using some shampoo and conditioner for smooth and sleek hair, Matrix makes some. Use a straightening balm before blow drying. Blow dry in sections and straighten in sections, pinning your hair up as you go. Otherwise go to a salon and get some of it razored. I have to get mine razored every so often to thin it out.
NEED HELP WiTH MY HAiR!!! its soo thick... TOO thick?
I have really thick hair too. Whatever you do, DO NOT get it whacked off really short. Girls love it, guys hate it. Maybe get a little bit cut off if it's really long. Use conditioner, and as soon as you get out of the shower, rub some smoothing cream into it and blow dry IMMEDIATELY. Then straighten it. Maybe even spritz a little shine spray on it after it's styled. That little system has worked for me in the past.
NEED HELP WiTH MY HAiR!!! its soo thick... TOO thick?
have it thinned out %26amp; get layers.
make sure you're using a good straightener cause a bad one will just make your hair worse.
NEED HELP WiTH MY HAiR!!! its soo thick... TOO thick?
Im not sure what special products u can use for fizzy hair but u can try putting more conditioner in ur hair. Or try going to a salon, tell them to straighten ur hair and then layer it. So thatz both less fizzy and thick.
Sry this wasnt much help but cheers anyway
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