Thursday, July 30, 2009

Any tricks for thick and long hair?

I've been forced to ask 3 different questions concerning my hair because it takes 2 and a half hours to spiral curl it. It takes half an hour to straighten it, I think it only takes an hour to use a regular curler, but any tips on how i can do this at night. I already have to wake up at 7 in the morning, and I look better with my hair curled.

Any tricks for thick and long hair?

have you ever tried straightening you hair with a circle brush and hair dryer? wash your hair (or at least get it thoroughtly wet. start with the bottom portion of your hair and brush from underneath. at the same time, point a hairdryer in a downward direction and follow the motion of your brush (so while the brush is pulling it straight, the dryer is ... drying it haha). continue to do this until all your hair is dried straight.

as far as curling it... you could try soft spiral curlers (they won't hurt so much to sleep in) and depending on how well your hair holds the curls, you could use hairspray in the morning. depending on how frizzy your hair is, you can get stuff to put in your hair that will keep it to a minimum.

if that doesn't work, you could always just french braid it and leave some short pices hanging out around your face and just curl those.

good luck! i hope that helped. i know i wouldn't want to get up at 4:30 every morning to do my hair either. just remember that if you try this, do it on a weekend or a day that it isn't going to mess you up if it doesn't work.

another thing you might try is going ahead and using the curling iron at night. once your hair is curled, use bobby pins to pin your curls in a way that they will retain their shape. (disclaimer: i have no idea if this will work. i just thought of it so i figured i would share)

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